So... What Do You Think?
Are cats really smarter?
I have stated my case for why I think cats are smarter than dogs, you may SPEAK here. Tell me if you agree or disagree and tell my why you feel that way.
This section is for comments only. You can leave a link to an online article or lens that proves your point in the plexo below.
This is an open debate and all comments pro or con are welcome. HOWEVER, this is a g-rated site and any and all profanity will be deleted immediately. That goes for both foul-mouthed dogs and cursing cats!
Cats are Smarter than Dogs
I agree, cats are smarter!
jacklace says:
I agree your opinion. But the dogs will protect my kids. some dog supplies are also awesome for the pets. It will keep your dogs fashionable and safe.
Carpenter76 says:
One cat in our house is really a smarty pants, but our dog is also intelligent. So I can't choose :) But if I only had my Pooh (cat) I choose that cats are smarter!
stangerj says:
I have a Cat and a Dog. Both mad as hatters
gstorrs says:
I come down on the side of cats every time. Mine has me trained to perfection.
PinkstonePictures says:
I think Cats are naturally smarter so I'm going to side with them on this debate...but Dogs can be very clever too and can be trained to do amazing things to help people with disabilities. I think domesticity has pushed out a lot of their free thinking attitude and have adopted the easy life.
RenaissanceWoman2010 says:
Well, it was my cat who actually helped me write my doctoral dissertation. She was way smarter than I'll ever be.
lionmom100 says:
It really depends on which I own at the time. I love them both and have had very smart cats and very smart dogs.
mary-stephenson says:
Cats are pretty smart they don't fall for stupid things people want them to do unless they want to. I have had many of my Siamese who will fetch, shake a paw on command, so a dog really has nothing over them. You have to earn a cats respect, dogs will beg for your respect. They know how to not gobble all their food up at once and can definitely be left alone for along time. Clean litter box, food and water and they are set. No need to walk the cat!
Lovelifelaughter says:
Dogs are pretty smart, but cat's take the cream, if you'll pardon the pun.
kepthidwriter says:
Cats get my vote!
SusanRDavis says:
Cats are extremely smart! And independent. If my cat didn't have something she wanted, she'd figure out how to get it for herself, no matter what my thought was on the matter. Dogs just look at you and beg with sad dog eyes. When's the last time a cat really begged for anything?
RedHairedRockHead says:
I have both cats and dogs, and cats are WAAAAY smarter. Dogs may have more brain power, but cats use theirs more!
takingachance says:
My catz haz dagreez
StephenJParkin says:
Robin sez cors kitties iz smarter, but my Collie dog BC says at least he can spell!
If you don't know what I am on about check out my lenses!
selfhelpguru says:
Well, I'd say cats. But as was pointed out in the comments, intelligence or smartness is an interesting thing, and hard to compare. Cats are smarter in terms of being more independent, something that appeals to me personally. Yet dogs are also very smart, and if I had not been forced to take sides, I wouldn't have.
MysticTurtle says:
Cats, definitely.
TwistedWiseman says:
Cat's know what they want, dogs need to be persuaded, and I am not talking about food.
potovanja says:
:) hehe i agree and give point to CATS:)
mouse1996 says:
I don't know if cats are smarter but instead more stealthy. They have a slight wicked way about them that makes them come off as smarter. But I think i the smarts department both cats and dogs rule.
ryanhx64 says:
texan203 says:
Cats are definitely smarter than dogs. Our cat saved my mother's life, when her oxygen tubing fell apart, He kept slapping her face and then ran to my room and let out the most blood curdling howl I have ever heard.
glutenallergy says:
I agree with Nightcat - we are trained by our cats (which is why my oldest daughter gets up in the wee hours of the night to let the cat out of her room instead of just letting the cat wait a bit longer...).
ZodiacImmortal says:
I've never met a dog as smart as my cat. We have to spell out shrimp in front of her, but I think she's learned what we are saying as either way...she licks her lips. She knows when we've made her a new plant (even when she was in another room asleep & only the seeds are in the soil. There's plenty more go checkout my lenses to see her's
candidaabrahamson says:
Hands down, no contest. Dogs don't stand a chance!
Nightcat says:
Cats train YOU.
JGracey says:
Cats are smarter, I think. Who says cats can't take a command? They can certainly understand it, but if they choose not to, they won't. Our cat follows commands if they suit her at the time. She's smart too - definitely smarter than our daughter's dog. zonblogs-20. I like dogs - had dogs growing up, but a cat is more self-sufficient, doesn't need walked (though ours will go on a leash when we go outside, but she's not a fan) and is generally smart enough to stay out of trouble with other critters. She fits our lifestyle better than a dog ... most of the time anyways. A dog may exhibit loyalty and friendship more willingly than a cat, but cats do have these as well, although ... cats tend to have a lot more attitude than dogs, and express that attitude more often in ways you may not predict :)
SRitchieable says:
I'm not anti-dog but living in a family with 24 adopted cats gives me a unique insight into 'how smart are cats'. Very smart, but also very empathetic - they're sharing animals. They might not come to a command, but they do understand what you're saying; just they 'don't see the purpose' in coming (or sitting or whatever) when YOU ask. Living with a cat is more a cooperative endeavour; they see themselves as housemates rather than servants. So yes they help themselves to your favourite chair, but often they've picked that chair because they know its your favourite and they want to share it with you. Because cats share your emotions (and want you to share yours) they're inspirational pets for artists and writers - master landscape artist J.M Turner rescued stray cats and they would sit on chairs around him watching as he painted. (And famous poet Alexander Pope kept a number of dogs, though not at the same time but all called 'Bounce').
LordNefarious says:
I have to agree that cats are much smarter but I am a cat person so I might be a little biased.
ForestBear says:
Cats for sure
Celticep says:
Cats make use of their owners to suit themselves, that's smart!
PTurner56 says:
Dogs have owners, Cats have a Staff!
Yes that statement is quite right Cats are smarter than Dogs :-)
passionatehouseremodeler says:
Cats are smarter. They have a mind of their own, and don't take orders from humans.
Lindrus says:
Cats are definitely smarter. Just look at Garfield...
mimthemom says:
I love it!!!
KokoTravel says:
Just like with people... you can't lump them all together and determine a correct answer here. My cats are extremely intelligent and I have put time into training them.
I had a dog that was also very intelligent and learned easily, but I put the effort into training her, too.
My answer? They all have potential that can be developed to bring out their intelligence.
AsFarAsTheEagleFlies says:
I had a Daschund once when I was 7. Totally annoying! Licking was basically the only thing he could do on his own. I had to show him the "business" area outdoors everyday. Compared to my cats, he was a clown and they were diplomats
linz457 says:
Absolutely! I agree because my cat Kimi (pictured in popart styley) can open double doors which lead into the kitchen. See it for yourself on her squidoo page :D
genglo says:
in my house, the cats are obviously smarter.
Frankster says:
Cats most definitely. Cats come box trained -- mom's teach their kittens starting at about 3 weeks old. They don't eat poop whereas a dog will eat almost anything including poop.
blanckj says:
My cat is definitely smarter than my dog was. She used to sneak up on the dog and swat her in the snout to get her to chase her. Unfortunately, she "appears" to be not as smart because she is cross-eyed and runs into furniture all the time. She is very sweet and I love her very dearly.
Both depend on us but only one treats us like they don't care. Takes a smart animal to know we'll do it anyway.
ColorPetGifts says:
Dogs have very little pride compared to cats - :)
CruiseReady says:
OH, Cats, by far! Walker, Florida Feline, says so!
While dogs can be taught simple commands, cats comprehend conversational English!
saraih26 says:
I think cats don't want us to know how smart they really are....LOL It's their little secret ;)
FillsHerTease says:
My IQ is in the 150's - which supposedly means I am highly intelligent and possibly even a genius according to some scales. However the fact of the matter is that intelligence is a very broad thing and IQ does not cover it all. I happen to be naturally good in mathematics and spatial relationships - which is the foundation of my high IQ scores - but I am a terrible painter and my social skills are naturally very poor. I have had to work very hard to learn social interaction. The point being that it is incredibly difficult to even measure one human's intelligence against another's, let alone trying to compare two different species - which is what we're trying to do here. I don't think this question can ever really be answered definitively but nonetheless it is an interesting discussion...
Just for the record I loved dogs when I was growing up and hated cats. However in my 20's I had a girlfriend who owned a cat and so for the first time I lived with one and had the chance to learn what cats are actually like. Now I love both cats and dogs - for completely different reasons - and so I think I have a fairly unbiased viewpoint from which to tackle this question. I had to pick one or the other to supply my opinion so I flipped a coin and cats won with tails - that's the only reason I have picked cats.
Before continuing I just want to dispel the myth that it has been proven scientifically that dogs are smarter than cats - or vice versa. It has not been proven one way or the other and there is not even a majority on either side. Some studies say it's dogs and some say it's cats. However for some strange reason it always seems to be dog supporters who claim that this matter has been proven. I'm not sure why, or what it means, but I think it tells us something more about humans than either cats or dogs!
Probably the biggest argument on the dog side is that dogs can be trained and cats can't. So whenever a dog lover makes this argument I immediately command them to "jump"! Invariably they don't jump (no one ever has), at which point I suggest that, using their own logic, they themselves are not as smart as a dog. If you command a dog to jump it will do so immediately (if it knows how), whilst a cat will not - meaning a cat's reaction is in fact a lot more like a human's. Having said that, a smart dog owner will respond by pointing out that the cat doesn't jump because it doesn't understand the command and can't be trained to do so. Which is a good point but it brings to light another common fallacy - the fact of the matter is that cats can be trained. I have a cat named 'Yoda' who comes when he is called, plays fetch and uses the toilet (amongst other things). Plenty of people take their cats for walks on a leash and in fact cats have been trained to do pretty much everything which dogs are trained to do. There are some exceptions of course. Someone on the dog side said that a cat could never be trained to lead a blind person and I think they're probably right. In response though I would say that not all dog breeds can be trained to do it either and I think that brings up another important point - that different breeds of dogs and cats have different attributes and levels of intelligence...
Yoda is a Devon Rex, which is a cat breed that is very much like a dog in many ways. I have had several of them and have friends who have owned a number of them too - the point being that I have had enough experience with them to know that Yoda is not an exception. Invariably they are incredibly friendly and, like a dog, want to be involved with what you're doing at all times. If you are watching TV your Devon Rex will be sitting there on your lap. If you get up to go to the kitchen or the bathroom they will follow you to find out what you're doing and to be involved. The point being that their behaviour is a lot more like dogs (in general) than cats and as a result I think it blows away a lot of the arguments on both sides of the equation.
A number of years ago some Russian scientists started an experiment to see whether foxes could be bred to co-exist with humans. They started with a number of breeding pairs and mated them. 1% of the offspring turned out to be passive towards humans so they bred those ones together and continued to follow this program. After only about three generations they had foxes which were very friendly towards humans and now, by the fiftieth generation, the results have been remarkable. Not only are the foxes a lot like dogs in temperament and behaviour but they have actually started to resemble dogs too - amongst other things their tails have grown shorter and curlier, their skull shapes have started to change, and even their coats have lightened and become more dog like. These changes are genetic because they have experimented with having a passive fox baby raised by a 'normal' aggressive fox adult, only to discover that the baby remains passive. They have also discovered that an aggressive fox will remain aggressive even when reared by a passive one. These experiments show that their nature is genetic, rather than being caused by upbringing. Just to prove this point more conclusively though, they actually took a passive embryo and implanted it in an aggressive female (and vice versa), the result being than passive foxes remained passive and aggressive ones remained aggressive.
The point of all this is to show that a lot of behaviour is genetic and doesn't necessarily reflect anything to do with intelligence. Dogs have been bred to help humans with various tasks such as hunting because they're larger and more suited to those tasks than cats. As a result they were bred to be trainable and that's why, generally speaking, dogs are easier to train than cats. On the other hand cats were also bred to help humans with various tasks but these were different - such as catching rats and mice (which was a lot more important at one stage not vey long ago). None of this has anything to do with intelligence though. Some breeds of cats, such as Yoda the Devon Rex, have been trained to be trainable and more dog like. Does this mean that Devon Rexes are more intelligent than other cats? Of course not! The breed has only existed for a very short while so it is preposterous to think that somehow their brains have been radically improved and their intelligence boosted to the level of dogs (assuming you believed that dogs were smarter than cats). All that has happened is that their genetics have been modified more towards the behaviour of dogs. The point being that the whole training thing is a behavioural trait, not one of intelligence.
Another total fallacy is that dogs are better communicators than cats. I used to think that too but having lived with a number of cats now I know that simply isn't true. The difference here is simply that cat communication is a lot more subtle than dog communication. When one dog meets another they will sniff one another, bark at each other, then start leaping about and playing, with one or the other usually being dominant (which is somehow worked out by them). It's all very obvious and humans are able to see it and understand it easily. When two cats meet they have their own method of sizing one another up which is just as complex. The only difference is that it is much more subtle and as a result it isn't as obvious to humans - and certainly not to people who haven't lived with cats. This goes for their communication with humans too. Once again dogs are very obvious and they don't leave much room for misunderstanding about what they want. However anyone who is close to a cat - yes, that's right, I said close to a cat - will tell you that their cat communicates with them just as much and just as clearly as a dog.
The last thing I want to mention is that it is also a fallacy that dogs are pack animals and cats aren't. Of course cats are pack animals - humans are pack animals too and cats have been living with us for thousands of years. Once again though the only difference is that many people don't understand the subtle ways which cats operate. A dog will have it's own territory which it marks with it's scent and which it will defend - that is something which humans understand. Cats will also defend their territory but the way cats do things is a bit different and more subtle. Cats actually have more of a time share arrangement going on. One cat will have it's own territory which it uses each morning - for example it might sleep on one end of the couch. If another cat tries to use that territory in the morning then the 'owner' cat will defend it. However in the afternoon the end of the couch may actually belong to another cat in the pack and that is perfectly fine. So once again cats actually just have a more subtle way of doing things and as such it isn't always obvious to humans. Dogs have territory marked by space alone whereas cats have territory marked in both space and time.
I could go on and on but I won't. The only conclusion I have been able to reach is that dogs and cats do things differently. There really is no compelling evidence that one species is smarter than the other. The differences are simply in behaviour and have nothing to do with intelligence. The more you look at this question with unbiased eyes the more you see that they both do the same things in different ways. They have been bred to perform different functions and that's all it is. It's easy to show that they can very quickly (i.e. in only a couple of generations) be bred to behave like one another and that is the strongest proof that in fact their intelligence levels are very even. Furthermore there are smart dogs and dumb dogs, just like there are smart cats and dumb cats. So even if it were true that dogs were more intelligent than cats, the range would still be small enough that a smart cat would be more intelligent than a dumb dogbane vice versa...
Ciao for now!
DallasNicole says:
I totally agree
AddaptAbilities says:
Cats are WAY smarter. That's why you can't teach them anything -- they already know it, and have decided it's boring.
Chinajoy says:
TWOnline2 says:
there is no such thing as to which is smarter. i have had both and i noticed that it just depends upon the personality..just like people. we had a cat that was dumber than a door knob but his sister was a genius who understood everthing just short of talking. another cat we had did talk words like momma and family member names. i believe that i did spell words around this one to keep things from him. finally he caught on to how to spell "fish". same for dogs. one (dufus) was so slow that i had to teach him how to jump into the car for traveling. The other was so smart she used to just sit and watch people so she could figure out who to manipulate and when. she was great. so for me it is a tie. it just depends upon the animal as an individual.
No way, dogs rule in the brain department!
Eugene9814 says:
Dunno but hmm ....
TwoDogHouse says:
I've owned some very smart cats but by far my smartest pets have been my dogs. You make a good argument but the dog I have right now, almost seems human sometimes.
christy_rose says:
I have a dog as well as cats so I can't pick a side, they all of their smart and stupid moments, lol!
pawpaw911 says:
We have cats, so I'm not sure I agree with you, although they do have an amazing ability to find my shoes whenever they need to throw up a hairball.
ae_dc says:
cats are independent and quite have lots of attitude, but it doesn't necessarily mean they're smart (maybe just a little). dogs on the other hand are loyal and works best with humans and that's what makes them really smart.. yes, smarter than cats :) (both are uber adorable though!)
bloomingrose says:
I respectfully disagree Ms Robin. :) Get a cat to herd your sheep!
KandDMarketing says:
Depends upon the cat and upon the dog they are compared to. Our Boston Terriers are definitely not as self-sufficient as our cats, however, our Anatolian Shepherd Dogs who guard our livestock are much more self-sufficient and better problem solvers than even our barn cats.
kajankow says:
Dogs are smarter because they show emotions, can learn commands, and simply aim to please. Cats always do what they want to do.
getfiredup says:
Sorry definitely dogs, no question about it. Many dogs have a gift of soothing the soul just look at how they comfort people with special needs.
crbphotography says:
I agree with KoKoTravel. There are some very smart cats and some very smart dogs. I have owned both animals and had a few deem witted ones of each. We had a cat that lived successfully outside when none of our dogs would have survived on their own outside.
It depends what you are calling intelligence too. As others have stated, you don't see "seeing eye cats" or "drug sniffing cats".
I am more a dog person so I appreciate the smart side of dogs over the smart sides of cats.
xanthoria24 says:
Dogs are much smarter. Being able to follow commands supports this. Dogs can be toilet trained too. My dog only goes to the bathroom in the house when she's desperate, and I think dogs could be trained to go in a litter box if you really wanted them to (but they do like to mark their territory). Also, Dogs Decoded and Nova Science Now show how intelligent dogs are, especially border collies who can remember the names of thousands of objects and learn the names of new ones quickly.
MsModernMary says:
Dogs are smarter. But both are awesome
tangy says:
though i adore cats totally, but well yeah dogs are smarter ..
ernieplotter says:
Try to have a guide-cat for the blind people...
Shanz98 says:
You are wrong!! Can cats perform tricks? Were cats created to help us and work? No dogs are smarter!
MJsConsignments says:
"Most" dogs are smarter than cats. I'm a pug owner though. They're not known for super intelligence so that's why I say most.
EMangl says:
not an easy decision but i think dogs are smarter in terms of using their brain; dogs are more like men, logical thinking while cats can be false and moody like women
MarcelWhite says:
I believe dogs are smarter because I know a guy that claims that his dog is smarter than he is. No one claims such thing about a cat.
pheonix76 says:
Dogs are certainly smarter in my opinion! Social animals are often more intelligent because they need to deal with potential group conflicts and dynamics. The cat is an oddity in the domesticated animal world in that it is virtually un-trainable. Dogs can assist humans in so many ways: search and rescue, seeing eye dogs, drug/bomb sniffing, etc.
There was actually a debate on this? lol!! I thought it was obvious DOGS are smarter?
ChelseaGold says:
Like it was a question...
DaddyGee says:
If you had a kid that hid behind the sofa and wouldn't come out would you think it was smarter than a kid that engaged in society?
markmoney11 says:
dogs are smarter
Dogs have aided humans in many tasks: detecting drugs and bombs, catching suspects, war (e.g. German Shepherds), security, hunting, locating lost or injured people, aiding those with certain disabilities, and simply providing good companionship. Dogs will keep your feet warm at night, let you know when someone's at your door, and greet you with as much enthusiasm as they can muster when you come home. Cats are cool animals, but dogs are better pets and partners.
catherinelovestv says:
Cats are lazier than dogs, dogs will work hard for your affection, cats just seem to do what they want
Dogs are best and there is no way you can even begin to compare these animals.
happynutritionist says:
Again I have to say, if I haven't said it before, that I may be a little biased because I have a dog now, I want to think that dogs are smarter. Cats are crafty little things, though, so I am not 100% sure:-) I've owned both.
CL says:
Those are all instinctive actions. Those do not require intelligence. Would you say a 4 year old kid is dumber than a cat? They can't do any of those things mentioned either.
john says:
cats smart? independent? please whoa cats can groom themselves, be "independent", you still have to take it to the vet, feed it, come on. Studies show dogs are more intelligent. Dogs are pact animals who depend on one another which makes them willing to learn. I HAVE NEVER SEEN A "WORK" CAT, CATS ARENT SMART ENOUGH TO LEARN "REACTIONS" WHICH IS WHY THEY ARE NOT SMARTER
teems says:
first off, dogs are pact animals, thats why they "depend" on a leader, being toilet doesn't make one intelligent, dogs can be trained to do way more than being toilet trained, have you ever seen a cat guiding a blind person?
Sam Sheldon says:
Unfornunatly there is no longer any enjoyment in this subject it is now proven that dogs are substantialy smarter then cats, and for pretty much all of the reasons stated sbove, but not quite looked at in the right way.......... Cats need to be independent because they arnt clever enough to grasp the concept of what we are trying to teach them. A dog can also very quickly be trained to look after itself in the house (in same cases up to several weeks, learning how to feed itself, with the help of a few clever inventions a cat would never learn) Cats do as "they" please because they arnt clever enough to identify even the most simple and repititious of human speech I.E Commands. A dog is clever enough to protect its owner whereas a cat wouldnt even know anything was going on until it stood on its tail.
All in all, cats are all show... they cant comprehend simple tasks or problems... they are incapible of understanding (or even acknowledging) speech or commands. Dogs master these issues very quickly in the right hands. So in answer to the topic, NO... Cats are not smarter, people just think they are because of the way they behave, when in reality its the ONLY way they know how to behave. Cats still rule though :-)
mik says:
i think dogs r smarter because they listen to their names and listen to commands after all dogs used to be indapendant and used to be wild in a way they r as smart as each other and besides if u have 1 cat or 1 dog on its own it will rely on u so it cant copy any thing so i think tht it really is just how u raise them/it
Bella says:
Those of you using the pack statement need to look at your lives. HUMANS are pack creatures. We live in families, rely on others for nurishment, work together. We ARE pack animals. We learn from eachother. Dogs have a complex communication system.
Dogs will use eachother to learn just as humans do. Cats are unwilling to learn. Any intelligent human will tell you that the willingness to learn is far superior to a creature that is supposedly smart on its own.
Pack animals through history have shown that they have a stronger ability and will to survive. There are far more solitary animals to become extinct than pack animals and most pack animals were extinct due to human hunting.
Also, to Brandon, Scientists have not proven that cats are smarter. I want to know where that evidence came from because I make a career out of studying animals and have never heard any evidence of this sort.
Most arguments on this board for dogs actually have evidence of dogs being smarter due to a higher understanding of vocabulary, being pack animals (which science has shown are more intelligent than solitary), sniffing cancer, willingness to learn.
The only real arguments for cats is that they are cute, dont protect people, can open the fridge (my dogs can too as well as my cats), purr at the door(which my dogs ring bells when the want to do it), and can be trained to use a toilet (which is more difficult becasue most dogs are too big and the ones who are small enough dont have the body capabilities that make it so much easier for cats.
Linkers says:
Independence does not mean smarter. In fact, if you look at some humans you will even say the independent ones are the more idiotic ones.
You can leave dogs alone for a few days. Dogs can be trained to use litter boxes just like cats. Ive seen many dogs use them and owners leave out food and water and go on vacation.
Toilet training is more of a fact that dogs bodies dont allow them to easily use a toilet.
Why does doing as you please make you smart? Dogs are loyal and take commands because making us happy makes them happy. I dont see how this makes either species dumber or smarter than the other.
Dogs give themselves baths too. Cats have a different coat that makes it easier but many dogs such as malamutes can go their whole life with no baths. Just simply bathing themselves. Once again does not show any sign of intelligence.
The fact that a dog will protect you and a cat wont does not show intelligence. A dog will protect you as well as itself while a cat wont. Would you call your husband stupid if he left you alone to die while he protected himself? I am sure you would.
aaron prater says:
i agree dogs will save your life cats will take off runing i cant stand them i have a thirty pound cat and it uses the bathroom in my bedroom and gets my gf's step brothers dog in trouble so dogs are way more dependable
Catsuck says:
are u carzy dog will save ur life cats will watch u die
mole says:
even if cats are smarter for the reasons you just gave me they definitely don't sound as friendly, loving or loyal as dogs.
clearly says:
there's just nothing going on behind cats eyes compared to dogs. the relationships dogs have with humans is also a lot more complex. cats can't develop that type of connection and communication
yermum says:
cats are obviously not as intelligent. it's silly that they even debate this. have you ever heard of a seeing eye cat? mmmm
Smart Dog says:
Have you ever heard of a bomb-sniffing cat? Or a seeing-eye cat? Or a search-and-rescue cat? Dogs are much smarter and a lot more beneficial to society. Good point, Tim.
Smart Dog says:
Dogs have more emotional development and experiment more than cats. While a lazy cat will sit on its $&@ and won't be grateful for the food you give them, dogs are much more athletic, experimental, and loyal than cats.
Are cats more independent? Ummm...why does that make them "smarter"?
Every being needs simple food and water. You have no evidence of what you're saying.
Dogs actually listen to commands because they understand who's keeping them alive, unlike stupid cats.
Dogs give themselves a bath as well.
Yeah, cats ARE so selfish prissies who offer you nothing but cost and food.
Dogs drool--why?: they don't have sweat glands, and plus: their saliva actually helps wounds. Dogs eat poop..why?: Cos you need to give that dog real fresh meat.
Cats are lazy.
david says:
dogs are far superior than cats
Kitty says:
Cats look like idiots chasing around the red dot from a laser pointer. Dogs are smart enough to not do that.
asdf says:
Cats are mental cases. They have OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) - that's why you always see them obsessively cleaning themselves.
spindolly says:
Different hygiene instincts do not equal intelligence-only difference in species. Cats are just not my kind of companion animal. who wants an animal that would run away to another owner if he/she gave it food. I think they resemble rats and climb all over counters(yuck). Hate cats, should be lab rat substitutes
Tim says:
Have you ever heard of a bomb-sniffing cat? Or a seeing-eye cat? Or a search-and-rescue cat? Dogs are much smarter and a lot more beneficial to society.
mike says:
Everything you listed is also true of hamsters XD - except maybe toilet training, although considering that cats continue to piss on everything after their trained sinks that argument for you. This is some great uneducated speculation, thanks for continuing to make the rest of humanity look smarter!
Byjove says:
That's because cats evolved to be solitary, whereas dogs are more sociable. In the long run, social animals are a lot more enduring than solitary animals. By the way, dogs CAN be potty trained.
Soul says:
if you ask a cat to find a drug dealer what do you think it would do?
if you ask a cat to find the missing body of a murder victim what do you think it would do?
if you ask a cat to find THE MURDERER what do you think it would do?
if you ask a cat to play and have fun with you what do you think it would do?
if you ask a cat to come to the park with you and spent some time with him what do you think it would do?
Independence (cats) is only good for the lazy, irresponsible and those who just have little happiness in there lives.
also a comment below by "Iz" half of what she had said is bullsh!t, because cats do not have to have a similar neural pattern to the primate because primates can analyse situations similar to which of a dog, meanwhile the cats has a very shocking deficiency to understand the basic of situations, for example research "cat & dog string test". just to finish that off due to there irregular size and structural differences cat posses no anthropomorphic attributes to the primate nor human.
where did you get your sources from "Iz"? besides, because thats exactly what we need in a sustainable society, a no good thief who takes and takes from humans and gives nothing back!!! dogs on the other hand are actually useful.
D-RoCk says:
Thats a load if i ever read one. Dogs are loyal and awsome. Plus it all depends on the type of dog u get. If they are mentally challenged then maybe a cat would be smater but other than that i seriously dobt that any cat is smarter than a dog.
Is Your Cat a Lefty Or a Righty?
Which paw does your cat favor?
However, these preferences only manifest when cats perform particularly dexterous feats. That's for the same reason we can open a door with either arm, yet struggle to write legibly with our non-dominant hand. "The more complex and challenging [the task], the more likely we're going to see true handedness," Wells says.
She and Millsopp tasked 42 domestic cats to ferret out a bit of tuna in a jar too small for their heads. Among 21 females, all but one favoured the right paw across dozens of trials, while 20 out of 21 males preferentially used the left. One male proved ambidextrous.
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- Source: Is your cat left or right pawed? - life - 24 July 2009 - New Scientist
- Is your cat left or right pawed? - life - 24 July 2009 - New Scientist
Cats are Smarter than Dogs
Dogs are Smarter
Cats and Dogs
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Dogs Smarter Than Cats, Oxford Study Finds - CBS News Social Animals Need Bigger Brains, Therefore Cats Have Relatively Less Smarts than Dogs, Researchers Say
Dogs smarter than cats, study claims - owners, this will confirm what you always thought. And cat owners, prepare to extend your claws: Scientists at Oxford University claim canines are smarter than ...
Cats are Smarter than Dogs - Squidoo think Cats are Smarter than Dogs and here's some of my reasons why: Cats are far more independent and can take care of themselves better- Provide adequate food and ...
Are dogs smarter than cats - Wiki so far are not capable of testing whether cats are smarter than dogs, and vise versa. Cause and Effect experiments, such as a recent study using a baited string ...
Dogs are smarter than cats, research shows - Telegraph Dogs are smarter than cats, research shows Cats are not as clever as we think, scientists claim.
Are dogs really smarter than cats? - The Week are smarter than cats, say Oxford University researchers in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. All socially active species including ...
Is a cat more intelligent than a dog - Wiki dogs smarter than cats, or are cats more intelligent than dogs? Kate Douglas of New Scientist details the results of recent studies designed to measure cat and ...
Are Cats Smarter Than Dogs? - For as long as I can remember I have heard that dogs are much smarter than cats. However, I have felt that just because a dog will do tricks and most cats ...
Are Dogs More Intelligent than Cats? Psychology Today easy way to start an argument is to announce that dogs are smarter than cats or vice versa. It seems that everybody has an opinion of our most familiar pets, yet ...
Dogs are 'smarter than cats' - Telegraph - Dogs are cleverer than cats because their friendly character has helped them develop bigger brains, a study set to end the argument between pet lovers ...
New Scientist says dogs are smarter than cats -- by a hair ... They fetch, they hunt, they sniff out contraband from luggage. Has it ever been in doubt that dogs are smarter than cats? But according to the cover story ...
Cat owners are smarter than dog owners - Gizmag dog and cat census in the UK has found that cats and dogs are owned by owners with similar characteristics but that cat owners are more educated.
The Straight Dope: Which is smarter, cats or dogs? Cecil: There are some (my girlfriend for one) who say cats are smarter than dogs, and others (I think most) who say that dogs are definitely more intelligent.
Are cats smarter than dogs or dogs smarter than cats? - Yahoo!7 ... 8 total answers Published 8/16/20118/16/2011 Best Answer: when was the last time you saw a seeing eye cat ??? the only thing cats can be trained to do is poop in a box ... dogs are EXTREMELY smarter ...
Are cats smarter than dogs? - Yahoo! Answers 15 total answers Published 3/10/20083/10/2008 Best Answer: Cats are way better than dogs. No not really. Im not sure that either is smarter than the other, but i have never seen a cat try to drink it's ...
Dogs smarter than cats, study claims: Brainy top dogs can teach ... Scientists yesterday claimed pet dogs are smarter than cats because friendly, social mammals need more grey matter than solitary, aloof ones.
At Long Last, Video Proof That Cats Strike Smarter Poses than Dogs has claimed that dogs are, in fact, smarter than cats, but it has also suggested that cat owners are smarter than dog owners, so the cat vs. dog debate is ...
Are Dogs Smarter Than Cats? - Gawker to new research, dogs' brains have grown larger at a faster rate than cats' brains, apparently because dogs live in large social groups. Does this mean that ...
Dogs vs. Cats: Canines May Be Smarter Than Felines, New Study On ... Dogs vs. Cats: Canines May Be Smarter Than Felines, New Study On Brain Size Suggests
Are cats smarter than dogs? - Yahoo! Answers 8 total answers Published 6/6/20106/6/2010 Best Answer: Cats are smarter than dogs. When you throw a stick for a dog, the dog will fetch it and bring it back to you. If you throw a stick for a cat ...
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